Established in 1952, Open Door Mission is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian Rescue Mission founded to provide for the spiritual and physical needs of impoverished and homeless men, women and children of Rochester, New York by restoring hope and changing lives.
Provided through Orchard Alliance, a trusted partner of Open Door Mission
When deciding about a gift to Open Door Mission, Planned Giving can help you accomplish your giving goals, increase the impact of your gift, and may reduce taxes. Wise counsel can help you determine the best giving option for today and the future.
For guidance in this area, we work with Orchard Alliance, a planned giving leader and supporting organization of The Alliance that has been serving ministries and individuals for more than 50 years. Since every situation is unique, Orchard Alliance brings the right blend of biblical and professional expertise to develop and implement a plan that achieves your giving goals.
To facilitate your gifts, Orchard Alliance provides a wide range of tools and services to help guide you through the process. Thank you for your heart of generosity toward Open Door Mission.