Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRT) Blake Hannah Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRT) Blake Hannah

Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRT)

A CRT can be a great tool for those who want to make a large gift of appreciated assets (typically in excess of $250,000). Appreciated real estate and stock are common assets used to fund a CRT. The asset is placed into the CRT and sold in the tax-free environment of the trust. The giver then receives an income for a term of years or lifetime. The payout percentage is determined by the giver and the percentage then determines the amount of charitable tax deduction. At the end of the trust term, the remaining balance goes to support the ministry.

Charitable Remainder Trusts can also be created through a will or living trust and designed to pay income to friends or family for a term of years of lifetime.

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Giving When You Pass On Blake Hannah Giving When You Pass On Blake Hannah

Giving When You Pass On

It’s simple to name your favorite ministries as beneficiaries of your financial accounts, as well as your will or trust, when you pass on. Naming a ministry as the beneficiary of your tax-deferred retirement accounts is often the best way to make a bequest because the ministry can receive the funds in a tax-free environment.

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Will & Trust Planning Ministry Blake Hannah Will & Trust Planning Ministry Blake Hannah

Will & Trust Planning Ministry

This ministry helps you design your will or trust from a biblical worldview considering that God is the owner of all and we are His stewards (Psalm 24:1). Writing your will should be a scriptural and prayerful process before it becomes a legal process. This ministry is a gift to you as our valued partner with no cost or obligation; however, you will need to obtain an attorney to prepare your legal documents.

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CGA Table Blake Hannah CGA Table Blake Hannah

CGA Table

A CRT can be a great tool for those who want to make a large gift of appreciated assets (typically in excess of $250,000). Appreciated real estate and stock are common assets used to fund a CRT. The asset is placed into the CRT and sold in the tax-free environment of the trust. The giver then receives an income for a term of years or lifetime. The payout percentage is determined by the giver and the percentage then determines the amount of charitable tax deduction. At the end of the trust term, the remaining balance goes to support the ministry.

Charitable Remainder Trusts can also be created through a will or living trust and designed to pay income to friends or family for a term of years of lifetime.



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